Exploring the depths of the universe
Reaching for the stars
The Pacheiner Observatory is located in a breathtaking panoramic position at the summit of Gerlitzen, at an altitude of 1,900 meters, and is the most modern and well-equipped hotel observatory in Austria. Impressive observations of the night sky, as well as solar and nature observations during the day, provide unforgettable moments, far away from the everyday routine.
An enchanting experience for young and old
The centerpiece of the Pacheiner Observatory is one of the largest publicly accessible telescopes in Austria, a reflecting telescope (astrograph) with a mirror diameter of 42.5 cm. With its tremendous light-gathering capacity, you can observe objects within our solar system such as the Moon and the planets, as well as distant gas and dust nebulae, comets, and entire galaxies in incredible detail.
The observatory can also be rented for private use. Whether you're an observer or an ambitious astrophotographer, you're welcome to push our telescopes to their limits. The technical equipment of the observatory is at the highest possible level and is designed for observing and photographing all celestial objects. Extensive accessories and professional guidance are available.

Impressions from our observatory
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Planetenjäger, Amateurastronomen und Gästen aus aller Welt bietet unsere hoteleigene Sternwarte die besten Voraussetzungen für eine unvergessliche Beobachtung. Die außergewöhnliche Lage des Hotels auf 1900 m Seehöhe erlaubt einen beeindruckenden Blick durch unsere Hochleistungsteleskope in unsere Planetensystem und die Tiefen des Universums.